

This breed is very old. Its short woolly coat is said to have been sold as otter fur in ancient times. Bred by the Carthusian Monks in the monastery, the La Grand Chartreux.


The Chartreux has the sturdy, powerful body of a working cat wrapped in a short, thick, water-repellent coat. Besides his beautiful fur, his most distinctive feature is his deep orange eyes, set in a rounded, broad head. He has full cheeks and a sweet, smiling expression. Medium-size ears sit high on the head. His body type is sometimes described as primitive, being husky and robust with broad shoulders and a deep chest. His relatively short and fine-boned legs rest on round, medium-size paws that look almost dainty. A lively, flexible tail is heavy at the base, tapering to an oval tip.

Grooming and Physical Needs

Size: typically weighs between 7 and 16 pounds

  • Grooming Needs: Known for his woolly blue coat, the Chartreux requires combing, not brushing, to keep it beautiful
  • Coat Type: The medium-short double coat has a slightly woolly texture, which varies depending on the cat’s age and gender, as well as the climate in which he lives.
  • Moulting: He sheds his undercoat a couple of times a year, and you’ll probably want to comb him daily during that time to keep the flying fur under control
  • Exercise Needs:
  • Average Life Span: 12 – 15 years
  • Healthcare:


  • Family: The tolerant and gentle Chartreux fits nicely in a home with children. He is more likely to walk away than to scratch if he doesn’t like the way he is being handled.
  • Temperament: he is an attentive and gentle companion who likes to stay near his people and observe their doings. He appreciates any attention he receives,
  • Trainability: Gentle he may be, but the Chartreux is also playful and intelligent. Challenge his brain and keep him interested in life by teaching him tricks and providing him with puzzle toys
  • Sociability (Other Pets): Great with cat friendly dogs.
  • Meowing: could be compared to a mime, silent but communicative when they want something
