Kirlee, a kitten born in Devon, England, in 1959, shared the same genetic makeup as the Cornish Rex, a breed born a decade earlier in nearby Cornwall, but test breedings soon established that Kirlee was unique, another result of a natural genetic mutation. As suggested by his name, Kirlee had a wavy coat. Little is known of his ancestry. His mother was a stray, and his father was thought to be a roaming tom who also had a curly coat.
Kirlee became the progenitor of a new breed, the Devon Rex, named for his birthplace of Devonshire, as well as his curly coat.
The Devon Rex, the Pixie of the Cat Fancy, sports oversized ears on an elfin face with large impish eyes. They are a fun and fun-loving breed with a relaxed and social attitude rarely associated with cats.
Grooming and Physical Needs
Size: Medium
- Grooming Needs: Brushing your hands over their coat is all that is needed
- Coat Type: The coat is soft and fine, appearing to be without harsh guard hairs that characterize most cats
- Moulting: Low
- Exercise Needs: They have a high activity level
- Average Life Span: 9-15 years
- Healthcare:
- Family: Intensely loyal, human-loving, dog-like qualities. A person must be prepared to be owned by a Devon. A Devon will eat with you, sleep with you, and perch cozily on your shoulder. They enjoy company and benefit from not being left for long periods of time.
- Temperament: Playful nature and like to learn tricks
- Trainability:
- Sociability (Other Pets): Good with other cats and cat-friendly dogs
- Meowing: Chatty