Foreign White


The Foreign White came to be when Patricia Turner, a feline geneticist, once saw a photo of a lilac point Siamese. The photo, however, was overdeveloped, so it inspired her to begin a catbreeding program that would produce a completely white Oriental feline with blue eyes. The goal was to create this type of cat without it being deaf, as many other totally white cats with blue eyes may carry a gene that causes deafness


Foreign White cats will basically have the same physical features of a Siamese cat, except they’ll be completely white and lack the usual color patterns that Siamese cats will eventually grow into.

Grooming and Physical Needs

Size: slim & elegant

  • Grooming Needs: no extensive grooming, simply brush the cats fur once a week.
  • Coat Type: should be soft and look glossy
  • Moulting:
  • Exercise Needs:
  • Average Life Span: 15-20 years
  • Healthcare:


  • Family: very good for cat loving families, with children as well as singles and elderly individuals
  • Temperament: intelligent, loving, talkative, demanding
  • Trainability:
  • Sociability (Other Pets): very good with other pets
  • Meowing: talkative but have a soft voice.
