Selkirk Rex


The Selkirk Rex is distinct from all other Rex breeds. Unlike the Devon Rex and Cornish Rex, the hair is of normal length and not partly missing. The Selkirk Rex originated in Montana, USA in 1987, with a litter born to a rescued cat.


The Selkirk Rex is a breed of cat with highly curled hair

Grooming and Physical Needs

Size: large, heavy boned cat

  • Grooming Needs: regular brushing is needed to maintain a healthy coat
  • Coat Type: long and short coats
  • Moulting: high amount of shedding
  • Exercise Needs: is active and likes to play
  • Average Life Span: 10-15 years
  • Healthcare:


  • Family: Perfect choice for families
  • Temperament: very relaxed, sweet endearing with a sneaky streak.
  • Trainability:
  • Sociability (Other Pets): good with other cats and cat friendly dogs
  • Meowing: wont hesitate to demand attention in a small quiet voice if he feels that he’s not getting his due.
