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List last updated 23 September 2024
BreederBreedStand Number
Ausbrit CatteryBritish ShorthairV-450
BelantineBritish ShorthairV-450
Chizzelle BurmeseBurmeseV-204
Clique CatteryBritish ShorthairV-124
Dabellablu CatteryBritish ShorthairV-124
Don Sphynx AustraliaDonskoyV-224
EdintonExotic Shorthair and SiberianV-106
EyeCandyAmerican Shorthair and BirmanV-120
Fairydoll CatteryRagdoll and Golden BritishV-322
ForelsketNorwegian Forest CatV-108
IkatiSomali and AbyssinianV-216
KalameBritish ShorthairV-202
Mysticrose Chinchilla PersiansChinchilla PersianV-214
Opulence and Enix CatteryRagdolls and British ShorthairV-220
Ragdoll Kittens 2 CatsRagdollV-100
Reverence RagdollsRagdollV-200
Shalida CatteryBritish Shorthair and LonghairV-220
Siberian SerenadeSiberian Forest CatV-106
Silverpawz Maine CoonMaine CoonV-462



Stand Number: Refer Table