Step 1 of 2


The Animal Management Plan and Cat Registration must be completed by the Handler / Owner of the Cat that will be brought onsite and will be the designated person in responsible control of the Cat for the duration of the Festival.

All Exhibitors, Sponsors and Feature Area participants, bringing a Cat on-site, must read and agree to the below Animal Management Plan and Cat Handlers Responsibilities & Obligations to acknowledge that you understand the process of bringing a Cat onsite.

Please consider whether the Festival is an appropriate environment for your cat(s) as strict guidelines do apply to ensure animal welfare. If you have any doubts whatsoever on whether your cat can handle a busy and noisy environment please leave your cat at home.


- No cats are allowed on-site during Bump-In or Bump-Out (including Sunday after 6pm).

- All cats must be on harness or in a cage at all times.

- Fresh water must be available for the animal at all times and you must supply your own water bowls


Once you have read and agree to the Animal Management Plan you will stepped through to the Cat Registration Page. All Cats attending the Festival must be registered to gain access to the venue and have the provided yellow tags fixed to their collars or cage at all times. Any cats not registered ahead of arriving at the Festival will need to register prior to entry.

Your agreement and commitment to the Animal Management Plan & Cat Handlers Responsibilities & Obligations

By checking the below boxes and registering your Cat for the Festival it confirms that you have read, understood and will abide by all conditions and regulations stated in the Animal Management Plan (AMP) and the Cat Handlers Responsibilities & Obligations (CHRO). It also confirms that you are responsible for any and all cat(s) that you register to be part of the Festival.

You also agree to abide by any and all warnings and directions given directly or via signage and announcements posted by CLF or its representatives, the venues authorised event staff, security personnel, and other authorised staff, and/or their appointed officers in the interests of maintaining animal welfare, public safety and occupational/work health and safety, and accept that failure to comply to these and any legislative requirements may result in the demand for removal of cats from site, and/or being reported to relevant authorities.

Please scroll through and read the details of the Animal Management Plan below and tick to confirm that you have read and understood them.

Note: You must scroll through the form before you will be able to tick the agreement box.

Click here to Download a PDF of the AMP

Pet Projects International Pty Ltd (PPI) as the Organiser of the Cat Lovers Festival (CLF), along with the Venue are committed to providing an environment that is safe and healthy for the venue, event staff, contractors, members of the public, exhibitors, and their animals.

The Organisers (PPI) do not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage, financial or otherwise, resulting from any incident (including injury to persons or animals) arising from any animal interactions during the CLF.

It is a mandatory requirement that all persons bringing cats to the Festival, must read, fully understand and agree to the Animal Management Plan and Cat Handlers Responsibilities & Obligations (CHRO) or entry will be refused. CLF will be uncompromising in enforcing the conditions and rules outlined in the AMP & CHRO.

It is your responsibility to ensure that all staff on your stand have read and understand the CHRO and comply with it at all times during the Festival.

If your cat does not cope in stressful situations or you do not know if the cat you are bringing to the event is capable of coping, it must not attend.


CLF will have Welfare Observers and WHS personnel patrolling the event at all times to monitor the condition of all cats on-site and to ensure that all conditions of the Animal Management Plan are always being adhered to. In the event of an issue being identified the Person in Effective Control will be consulted. CLF reserves the right and full authority to demand the immediate removal of any cat from the event if it considers that the cat is showing any ongoing signs of stress and aggressive behaviour or is believed to be suffering any negative effects from its presence at the event.

The owner/handler who completes the Cat Registration will be deemed as the competent person in effective control of the cat(s) they register. The competent person in effective control is required to fully supervise any interactions between any persons or other cats, and their cat. This primary rule is set to avoid injury or distress to cats or people


It is a condition of participation that all cats must be currently registered, vaccinated and microchipped. All owners/handlers are required to ensure that prior to entry to the event, their cat has received all recommended vaccinations so that cats brought to the CLF are safe interacting with other cats. Proof is provided when vaccinations are done and should be onsite with your cat. CLF advises all handlers/owners to ensure their cat has received recent worming and flea treatments.


We will have veterinarians conducting health checks (Spot Checks) throughout the Festival.

Claws: all claws (front and back), of all Cats must be trimmed

Vaccination Records: All Cats and Kittens must be vaccinated. Exhibitors must produce documentary evidence (vaccination card / certificate), for each Cat upon request, and the date of the last vaccination must be no less than 14 days before the festival. Kittens must have had at least two F3 vaccination no less than 14 days before the festival, and it is highly recommended that they have had at least 2 vaccinations. Adult Cats must have had at least F3 vaccination no less than 2 years prior to the festival.

Rejection: The Veterinary Officer may reject any Cats who display signs of contagious or infectious disease, have external parasites of any kind, are lactating, are of poor condition, are more than 4 weeks pregnant or display signs of having been drugged. Where the reason for rejection has been determined as a contagious condition, all other Cats / Kittens domiciled with or that have travelled to the CLF in the same vehicle will also be rejected irrespective of whether or not they are displaying the same condition. In this instance, all Cats must be removed immediately from the venue and taken home. Cats cannot simply be locked in a vehicle.

Should the exhibitor request a second opinion, the Veterinary Officer may call over another Veterinary Officer for such opinion. The opinion of the officiating Vet is final.

Veterinary Letters: A veterinary letter may be presented to the Veterinary Officer for a Cat with a non-contagious or non-infectious condition (eg shaved area following surgery). Such a letter must be dated no more than 48 hours prior to the CLF. To ensure the safety and welfare of all Cats at the CLF, where a Cat has been exposed to an infectious condition within 30 days of the CLF, it is requested that the Cat not be brought to the CLF for exhibition.


Kittens participating at the festival must be 12 weeks of age or older and must have received at least 2 vaccination no less than 2 weeks prior to the Festival. Please ensure that if you are bringing kitten(s) onsite you bring a copy of their vaccination certificate.

If you’re unsure if your Kitten is adequately protected to participate, please consult with your veterinarian prior to the festival.

Click here to view guidelines


Female Cats that are in season or expecting to come into season are not to be brought into the venue or festival under any circumstances and should a Cat unexpectedly come into season during the festival then the Cat must be removed from the venue immediately.


Upon completion of the Cat Registration and acknowledgement of the AMP and CHRO, you will be emailed a yellow registration tag. This tag must be fixed to your cat's collar or crate prior to arrival at the Festival and must remain on at all times and on all days of the Festival. This yellow tag identifies to security and event staff that you have acknowledged the AMP & CHRO and will ensure a smooth entry into the Festival. If you do not have access to a coloured printer or your tag breaks, there are secure plastic tags available from the Cat Registration Booth at the entrance to the Festival or from the Information Booth inside the Festival. Simply produce your Confirmation email to obtain a replacement tag.


Please scroll through and read the details of the Cat Handlers Responsibilities & Obligations below and tick to confirm that you have read and understood them.

Note: You must scroll through the form before you will be able to tick the agreement box.

Click here to Download a PDF of the CHRO

Pet Projects International Pty Ltd (PPI), the organiser of the Cat Lovers Festival (CLF) places animal welfare and the safe interaction of cats and people as its highest priority.

The Animal Management Plan and Cat Handlers Responsibilities and Obligations (CHRO) has been prepared to ensure the highest level of welfare is provided for all cats that are presented and cared for on-site during the event, and in what is a unique environment. The conditions outlined in this CHRO are applicable to any persons bringing cats to the event including but not limited to all Exhibitors, Sponsors, Presenters, and Feature participants.

All persons and cats are required to comply with the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1979, Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Regulation 2012 and the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment Act 2021 No15, the
Companion Animals Act 1998 and the Companion Animals Regulations 2018 and the Companion Animals Amendment (Rehoming Animals) Act 2022 No4 and the relevant Codes of Practice.

The local government council is City of Parramatta and the relevant legislation they administer is the Companion Animals Act 1998 and the Companion Animals Regulations 2018 and subsequent amendments. The council publishes their requirements on their website and they can be found here

All owners/handlers bringing a cat into the Festival have an obligation to familiarise themselves and comply with all of the above legislations and advisories.

The owner/handler who has registered to bring any cat into the Festival is considered the “competent person in effective control” of the animal, and this person holds the relevant duty of care for their cat(s) and to the community. This includes, but is not limited to the control, comfort, safety and welfare of their animal and the interaction of any animal under their control, and with any other person or animal, at any time, whilst on-site at the Cat Lovers Festival.

For the purpose of the AMP & CHRO, all cats are treated equally regardless of size or breed. Consequently, the burden of care is placed upon the competent person in effective control for the control, comfort, safety and welfare of their animal and CLF has prepared this Animal Management Plan to assist exhibitors in contributing to an enjoyable environment where both exhibitors and the public can celebrate their love of cats in a safe and positive environment.

Making the right decision about bringing your cat to the Festival. Will it cope?

Just because your Cat is happy within its normal ‘comfort zone’ environment at home, smaller events etc., that does not mean they will react the same way at the event. The Cat Lovers Festival can be a busy, noisy, and stressful environment for animals. With large crowds and repetitive stranger interactions, sudden loud noises, constant audio-visual and live presentations and PA announcements along with hundreds of other Cats. It should also be noted that Assistance dogs may also be present. It’s crucial that you are confident your particular Cat will cope.

It is a mandatory requirement that any Cat brought into the Cat Lovers Festival is in peak condition (physical and mental) and in good health.

If your cat does not cope in stressful situations or you do not know if the cat you are bringing to the event is capable of coping, it must not attend.

Please ensure you Download the Cat Handlers Responsibilities & Obligations Document which includes additional information on:

1. General control of Cats at the Festival

2. Keeping Cats and Visitors safe at the Festival

3. Incident reporting

4. Interactions between your Cat and members of the public

5. Toileting & Kitty time out

6. Feeding & Hydration

7. Veterinary Support

8. Animal Evacuation

9. Cat Registration & Yellow ID Tags

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