Visitors got up close and pawsonable with popular and rare cat breeds at the Trouble & Trix Breed Showcase – one of the largest gatherings of cats in Australia!
Queenslands’ leading Cat Councils, Associations and expert Breeders will answer all your questions relating to cat behaviour, training, medical and personality traits, from kitten to adult, for each specific breed. Gather trusted, reliable information on literally dozens of breeds, from Feline Control Council of Queensland (FCCQ), Queensland Feline Association (QFA), Queensland Independent Cat Council (QICC) and Australian National Cats (ANCATS) all under one roof!
Find out all you need to know about which breed best suits your lifestyle, from Purrfect Match: 50+ huge Information Posters, each dedicated to a unique Cat breed.
Scroll down for a list of Breeders from the 2024 Festival
Breeder | Breed | Stand No. |
Azureblue | Russian Blues | 426 |
Blakmagik | Bengal | 336 |
Born Bold | Sphynx & Elf | 324 |
Carinya | British Shorthair | 426 |
Catamount | Bengal | 336 |
Chaynikoty | Siberian | 138 |
Fairydoll | Ragdoll | 126 |
Feanor | Birman | 116 |
Feline Control Council of Queensland (FCCQ) | Various | 320 |
Fidelis Maine Coon | Maine Coon | 310 |
IvoryArk | Persian and Exotic Short Hair | 538 |
Jipsiglenn | Ragdoll | 122 |
Kamaria | Siberian | 322 |
Ladeda | Maine Coon | 120 |
Lavish | Devon Rex | 426 |
Lilbitz | Munchkin | 666 |
Mini Martini | Munchkin | 436 |
Nibbel | Tonkinese and Mandalay | 340 |
Okelani | Bengal | 336 |
Osiris (V) | Abyssinian | 546 |
PoussPous | Siberian | 222 |
Prideshill | Siberian | 142 |
Queensland Feline Association (QFA) | Various | 346 |
Tipasheena | Ragdoll | 418 |
Zoomie | Siberian | 540 |