PetFood Supply delivers worldwide premium pet food to every Australian pet.

PetFood Supply always picks the best pet food in the world and we pick GranataPet.

GranataPet is a super premium pet food brand from the Allgäu – a stunningly beautiful area in the south of Germany.

Numerous scientific studies have demonstrated the positive influence of the pomegranate on the cardiovascular system and immune system. GranataPet is the first cat and dog food to utilise the positive effects of pomegranate for the benefit of our canine and feline friends.

The production sites of GranataPet are located exclusively in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Complete traceability along every stage to the final product is one of the key pillars underpinning our quality standard. Every ingredient is subjected to veterinary medical controls and tested by external as well as internal laboratories.

All GranataPet products are made without any grains, artificial preservatives, added sugar, artificial colourings or flavourings and without any genetically modified ingredients

Stand Number: 334