Compulsory Exhibitor Form 2022 Step 1 of 3 33% Company Name*Stand Number*LogoMax. file size: 1 MB.Please upload a high quality jpg. or png. of your logo. (Multiple accepted)NOMINATE YOUR STAND COORDINATOR - OUR DAY-TO-DAY CONTACTPlease provide details of the person nominated to coordinate your stand and the day-to-day contact for our team regarding all pre-show communication:Name* First Last PositionMobile*PhoneEmail* 2. NOMINATE ANY CO-EXHIBITORSList details of all companies co-sharing your stand (photocopy this form for additional Co-Exhibitors). Please note that all Co-Exhibitors must be approved by the Organiser. Additional fees may apply and Co-Exhibitors will not receive all the standard benefits of the Exhibitor Package for primary Exhibitors. CompanyName First Last MobilePhoneEmail Website 3. Website ListingYour listing on our website is a primary source of information for our Visitors. Please provide the following information for your website listing:A. CATEGORIES (please tick all the categories you want to be listed under – multiple boxes ok):* Accessories Accommodation Collectables Bedding Clubs Catteries Charities Sanitising Clothing Dental Fencing Education Memorial Grooming Insurance Kennels Collars Medical chipping Miscellaneous Natural Pharmaceutical Photography Groups General Online Store Technology Toys Obedience Vehicles Treats Therapy Walking Website Company/Exhibitor Description (100 words)*Website Facebook Instagram Twitter Show SpecialProvide details of any Show Specials you will be offering at the Cat Lovers Show and we will add this to the website FOC.Show SpecialMax. file size: 1 MB.Please upload a image you would like to support your Show SpecialNew ProductProvide us details of any New Products you will be launching at the Cat Lovers Show and we will add this to the website FOC (50 words):New ProductMax. file size: 1 MB.Please upload a image you would like to support your New Product4. ADDITIONAL MARKETING OPPORTUNITIESWe will email you our ESSENTIAL MARKETING TIPS to help maximise your investment in the Cat Lovers Show, providing you with digital tools to promote your participation. This will also include the opportunity for distribution of flyers and posters, and potential inclusion across Cat Lovers Show Facebook and Instagram channels, and eDMs. Please indicate if you are interested in being included in the following marketing opportunities: Major Door Prize Media Giveaways (samples, stock, services) CAPTCHA Δ